About us

“aasoo” is a website affiliated with the Taslimi Foundation. The Taslimi Foundation is involved in the areas of social and cultural development, education, and the environment. One of the main objectives of the Foundation is to understand and analyze the cultural and social reasons for anti-Bahá’í sentiments in Iran in an attempt to explore strategies to reach mutual understanding and respect, and end this cycle of hatred.

As a non-profit organization, Taslimi Foundation has been established in memory of Mr. Abdul-Hussein Taslimi and his colleagues in the nine-member elected national governing council of the Bahá’í Faith in Iran known as the National Spiritual Assembly. All nine member along with two others individuals with whom they were consulting, were arrested on 30 Mordad 1359 (21 August 1980) by a group of individuals who introduced themselves as government officials of the Islamic Republic of Iran. Mr. Taslimi and his colleagues disappeared thereafter without a trace. 

Taslimi Foundation created “aasoo” as a forum to present research analyses (articles, translations of academic papers, documents, films and multimedia presentations) intended to promote dialogue and tolerance in the public sphere.   

The word “aasoo”, from Kurdish origins, means “dawn”. Our hope is to present a diversity of views in collaboration with others aiming to open the dawn of a more inclusive and tolerant human relationship, where an open and forbearing dialogue replaces the violence perpetrated against all those who think and believe differently, especially the Bahá’ís.